June 2, 2022

Pumps & Systems Article

Pumps & Systems

What Is Motion Amplification®?

Visualizing vibration through Motion Amplification® allows users to diagnose critical equipment and improve asset reliability.

The use of skid-based designs, compounded with reciprocating driven components and complex piping structures, leaves many with a time-consuming and complicated issue. How do users efficiently and effectively monitor and ensure the safe, reliable operations of every component? Are the rotating components the most critical? Or is the structure and piping just as important? What about instrumentation?

Each of these questions is answered differently when using standard monitoring equipment. Each test and measurement device used has the capability to diagnose, trend and identify potential problems. The use of these systems often requires years of training, collection and interpretation, and it is left to the user performing the testing to take action on potential failures or faults.

How, then, do users communicate effectively with management, production, maintenance and everyone responsible? Do they receive complex data sets, graphs, spectrums and waveforms? When looking at the data provided, do they truly understand all of it?

Motion Amplification® is a way to see what is going on with rotating, reciprocating, piping and structural components. Motion Amplification® uses high-definition video…

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